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Kingfisher Medical, Inc.

SMART Tag Triage Tag

Kingfisher Medical, Inc.

SMART Tag Triage Tag



MFR# 73215

BP# KIN73215

Proven again and again in disasters worldwide, SMART Tag is undoubtedly the most widely used triage card available.

Contains 10 SMART Tags - Folding design allows reprioritizing of casualties, highly visible triage tag which only shows a single priority at any one time, resistant to water, body fluids, petrol and many other chemicals.

Made from durable materials, the SMART Tag will survive the worst of conditions. Its highly visible design means that the priority of the patient is easy to identify.

Compatible with START, the Triage Sieve and other forms of triage assessment, the SMART Tag is in use with London Ambulance Service (UK), Queensland Ambulance Service, a number of US states, the British Military and other European countries.


  • Innovative folded design allows for simple retriaging
  • Highly visible, with Priority 1 lightstick
  • Highly durable, waterproof and tear-resistant material
  • Space for structured recording of interventions (time allowing)
  • Unique barcode for integration with tracking software
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