The SCape" platform is the first and only NIOSH approved escape mask that features an integral "instant on" blower. Nothing for the user to remember - just remove it from the package and put it on. The product does the rest.
With the added capability for protecting against Carbon Monoxide in fire situations, the SCape" CO/CBRN can be used to support a broad range of escape applications including:
- Federal Government
- Corporate Preparedness
- Chemical factories
- Transporation
- High rise building evacuation
- Hospitality events
- Personal preparedness
- Other industrial/commercial activities
System Benefits
- Integral blower with automatic actuation - increased protection, reduced user stress/burden and easy to use
- Panoramic field of view - increased effectiveness and safety
- 30 minute protection
- No nosecup or mouthbit
- Comfortable neckdam
- No suspension or adjustments required
Maintains baseline performance with the additional benefits:
- TIC/TIM/Agent protection plus addition of Carbon Monoxide protection
- Bright color blower with donning photos on the product
- All soft packaging
- Ultra-quiet operation