This 40-Cent Grocery Item Saves You Thousands on Acid Reflux Remedies

BP News -- St Paul, MN

We've got a small problem with this simple, all-natural remedy you can find at any grocery store for less than 40 cents -- It seems too easy.

So before I reveal what it is, I want to prove to you that this solution WORKS, with some real stories we've pulled from testimonials talking about how this one trick worked wonders for them.

Once you see the results this ingredient gets, I'm certain you'll give it a try – even if it does seem too good to be true.

The ONLY thing I've blurred out in these testimonials is the name of the ingredient. What would it mean to you to get results like the ones described here the next time that blinding pain hits?

"My wife suffers from GERD & acid reflux. She thought I was nuts for pulling your information (the 1st email concerning your dad's reflux problem) but as she read it, she said "what the heck! It's worth a try." So I bought a bag of  xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. When she got hit with her reflux, she ate one and within minutes her reflux was greatly reduced. Now whenever her reflux hits, she grabs xxxxxxxxxx."

"I can't believe it but a simple large bite of  xxxxxxxxxx  does me more good than tums. It has done wonders for ME. Thanks!"

"I tried the  xxxxxxxxxx  suggestion first. I have not had any problems with acid reflux since then and am on day 25 now. I want to thank Mr. Barton for this easy solution and I love  xxxxxxxxxxxx  but for some reason hadn't eaten any in a very long while. Thank you again!"

Convinced you need results like these?

Just think – the next time that searing pain hits, you could see relief in mere seconds. As you've seen from these testimonials, this solution doesn't "ease" the pain or make it better – it BANISHES the pain completely, and it works every time you need it.

I'll do more than that. I'll explain...

  • What causes conditions like acid reflux and heartburn,
  • How the most commonly-used medications are doing far more harm than good
  • How you can reverse these conditions PERMANENTLY, SAFELY, and NATURALLY - in just THREE DAYS.

You don't have to wait three days to relieve your pain instantaneously, though. Just click here for the free video where I'll reveal the food that's been sitting right in front of you all this time – the hidden solution in plain sight – that will stop your acid reflux pain in mere moments.